WATCH: Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell Absolutely Torches Fox’s Laura Ingraham

Fox News and Republicans in general have always talked about how they “back the blue.” As a result, many police officers around the country vote red. In fact, a 2016 poll showed that 84% of cops backed Donald Trump...

WATCH: Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell Absolutely Torches Fox’s Laura Ingraham

Fox News and Republicans in general have always talked about how they “back the blue.” As a result, many police officers around the country vote red. In fact, a 2016 poll showed that 84% of cops backed Donald Trump with only 8% of officer backing Hillary Clinton.

All of a sudden, though, the GOP and its media arms are not only not sticking up for cops, they’re bashing them. Tucker Carlson dedicated a segment of his show the other day to blasting Capitol officer Harry Dunn.

And during a recent show, Laura Ingraham gave out acting awards to the officers who testified during a recent hearing. “There was certainly a lot of violence that day, but it was not a terrorist attack,” she said. “It wasn’t 9/11. It wasn’t the worst thing that ever happened to America. It wasn’t an insurrection.”

Officer Aquilino Gonell was asked about Ingraham’s attack during a Thursday appearance on CNN. He told Erin Burnett:

“This is the first time I see that comment coming from this particular person. To watch her trash, because that’s what it is, a commentator that would trash somebody who, in my opinion, wasn’t there. So unless you were there in that crowd, being attacked by the rioters, you would not know, and you will never know, you never — my devotion for the country is bigger than the vitriol that she’s puking out… that person never served the country, will never raise her hand like I did so many times.”

Watch a clip of the segment below, courtesy of CNN:

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