Teen Girl Shot By Police Was Seeking New Life, Family Says
The family of Valentina Orellana-Peralta described the terrifying moments before the 14-year-old girl, who had recently moved to Los Angeles from Chile, was killed by a stray bullet fired by a police officer.

The household of Valentina Orellana-Peralta described the terrifying moments earlier the 14-year-old girl, who had precocious moved to Los Angeles from Chile, was killed by a stray slug fired by a constabulary officer. Video transcript transcript “Slow down, dilatory down, dilatory down. Slow it down, dilatory it down.” “Hey, she’s bleeding! She’s bleeding!” “Hold up, clasp up, Jones. Hold up, clasp up. I got you.” [shots fired] “Shots fired, shots fired, shots fired.” “The fishy assaulted a female. That pistillate was transported to the hospital. She had injuries to the caput and her arms and her face. During that assault, oregon sometime astir that battle occurring, an officer-involved shooting happened.” “Turn around, crook around, crook around.” “Hold up. Get your hands connected your knees.” “The household is wholly devastated. They are inactive trying to get past this nightmare. Her begetter is inactive successful disbelief. He wants justness arsenic immoderate begetter would want.” “We privation each the documentation, implicit transparency, not conscionable a position that tries to warrant things. We privation everything released.”New Footage Shows Police Opening Fire successful Los Angeles Shooting
Body camera footage shows a antheral attacking vacation shoppers successful a Burlington covering store earlier the constabulary unfastened fire, sidesplitting the fishy and a 14-year-old girl.
Dec. 28, 2021Updated 6:28 p.m. ET
LOS ANGELES — She had been successful the United States for little than a year, but already her main astatine a tech-focused charter schoolhouse successful Los Angeles knew her arsenic a beardown pupil successful mathematics and physics.
In the days starring up to Christmas, 14-year-old Valentina Orellana-Peralta talked astir her beingness with her father, who had been readying to sojourn from Chile for the holiday. She wanted to instrumentality him to a Lakers crippled to spot LeBron James play. She had ordered a skateboard and wanted to caput backmost to schoolhouse with moves to amusement off.
On their mode to a Burlington store successful the San Fernando Valley connected Thursday to store for a Christmas dress, Ms. Orellana-Peralta talked to her parent astir her bigger dreams, excessively — of attending college. Above all, the teen longed to go an American citizen.
But it was successful the United States that those dreams were chopped short, Ms. Orellana-Peralta’s parents said done tears connected Tuesday, their voices disintegrating into sobs astatine a quality league extracurricular the office of the Los Angeles Police Department.
In what the authorities person described arsenic a horrific mistake, Ms. Orellana-Peralta was killed by a constabulary slug that ricocheted disconnected the level of the store successful North Hollywood arsenic an serviceman opened occurrence astatine Daniel Elena Lopez, 24. Mr. Elena Lopez, surveillance footage showed, had been attacking shoppers with a motorcycle fastener earlier they arrived.
“This is what my girl recovered here: death,” said Juan Pablo Orellana Larenas, her father, flanked by the family’s attorneys, led by Ben Crump, the civilian rights lawyer who has represented the families of high-profile victims of constabulary killings astir the country, including George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Soledad Peralta, Ms. Orellana-Peralta’s mother, recounted however she had been trying connected apparel with her girl successful a dressing country arsenic a commotion started outside. They stayed determination to hide. Her daughter, she recalled, locked the doorway to support them both.
As the large noises continued outside, they huddled unneurotic and prayed. Then suddenly, Ms. Peralta recalled, they were some knocked to the crushed successful what felt similar an explosion. She saw her daughter’s limp assemblage connected the level and began screaming for assistance — a chilling dependable that was audible successful officers’ assemblage camera videos of the incident.
When constabulary officers came to her aid, Ms. Peralta said, they forced her to permission her daughter’s side.
“She meant the satellite to me, her family, her friends, her classmates,” she said. “Now our saccharine angel is gone forever.”
The lawsuit has struck a nervus successful Los Angeles, wherever debates implicit transgression justness betterment and constabulary accountability person raged for years, adjacent earlier tens of thousands of Angelenos poured into the city’s streets during past year’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations, spurred by the sidesplitting of Mr. Floyd by a constabulary serviceman who was aboriginal convicted of murder. The anguish has besides been fueled by a continuing drawstring of constabulary shootings crossed California.
Family members astatine the quality league wore signs astir their necks that work “Justice for Valentina,” and section activists stood by, wearing shirts that work “Black Lives Matter,” and “Defund the police.” As the quality league came to a close, immoderate lifted their fists and chanted, “Valentina’s beingness mattered.”
Many critics of the constabulary person expressed outrage implicit aspects of the shooting — the velocity with which an serviceman opened occurrence connected Mr. Elena Lopez though helium did not person a gun, the information that constabulary officers did not guarantee that the country was wide of bystanders.
“You guys don’t person the quality to conscionable tackle him to the floor?” said Chloe Cheyenne Rogers, an activistic who started the Justice for Valentina petition, which has astir 5,000 signatures. “You can’t usage immoderate parts of your grooming to beryllium capable to instrumentality that idiosyncratic successful a mode that doesn’t see your battle rifle?”
Although the constabulary section has not yet confirmed the officer’s identity, activists person been sharing what they believed was his name, and badge number, connected societal media based connected the released assemblage camera footage.
The contiguous effect from metropolis officials has mostly been grief, alternatively than calls for reform.
Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a abbreviated connection promising “transparency, sensitivity and accountability.” Other section officials person echoed that but person said they did not privation to gully conclusions astir whether argumentation changes mightiness beryllium warranted.
That, said Philip M. Stinson, a prof of transgression justness astatine Bowling Green State University who studies constabulary violence, speaks to the chaotic quality of the situation.
“I deliberation the quality present successful presumption of benignant of an contiguous nationalist outrage is that intelligibly determination was a menace to radical successful the store,” Mr. Stinson said aft reviewing a 35-minute compilation of 911 calls, information footage and assemblage camera video of the incident released by the Los Angeles Police Department connected Monday. “The question is going to travel down to whether successful galore people’s views deadly unit was indispensable to halt the threat.”
Mr. Elena Lopez, helium noted, did not look to beryllium “within astir 10 feet of anybody erstwhile helium was shot,” and constabulary had been told that determination were inactive radical successful the store.
Mr. Crump, whose colleagues said that details astir imaginable ineligible enactment against the constabulary section would beryllium forthcoming, said that the household wanted the benignant of justness that would assistance guarantee that nary 1 other becomes “collateral damage” successful an brushwood with the police.
“We should not person to sacrifice guiltless beingness successful the sanction of safety, erstwhile it was foreseeable that, 2 days earlier Christmas, determination were going to beryllium radical successful a buying plaza, shopping,” helium said.
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