Genetically engineered bacteria could heal us from inside our cells
Billions of years ago, bacteria began living inside other cells and carrying out essential functions. Genetic engineering could create new types of these ‘endosymbionts’

Billions of years ago, bacteria began surviving wrong different cells and carrying retired indispensable functions. Genetic engineering could make caller types of these ‘endosymbionts’ Health 27 October 2021
Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Bacillus subtilis STEVE LOWRY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
Bacteria person been genetically engineered to participate and unrecorded wrong rodent immune cells, wherever they released proteins that altered the behaviour of those cells. The enactment is simply a archetypal measurement towards creating “artificial endosymbionts” that could unrecorded wrong immoderate quality assemblage cells and bash everything from guiding the regeneration of damaged tissues to treating cancer.
“That’s the imaginativeness successful the agelong run,” says Christopher Contag astatine Michigan State University.
Several different groups are besides processing artificial endosymbionts, which they accidental could let america …
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