Creating Custom Easing Effects in CSS Animations Using the linear() Function

1 week ago 42

In the world of web design, CSS animations offer a powerful way to enhance user experiences with engaging and dynamic visual effects. One of the most crucial aspects of animation is controlling the pacing of an animation's progress, which is achieved through easing functions. While many designers are familiar with predefined easing functions like ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out, the linear() function is a fundamental tool for creating smooth, consistent animations. This guide explores how to use the linear() function and extend it to create custom easing effects in CSS animations.

Understanding Easing Functions

Easing functions determine how an animation progresses over time. They control the rate of change of an animation property, influencing how smooth or abrupt the transition appears. Easing functions can be linear or nonlinear:

  • Linear Easing: Maintains a constant rate of change throughout the animation. This results in a uniform motion with no acceleration or deceleration.
  • Nonlinear Easing: Includes functions like ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out, which modify the speed of the animation over its duration.

The linear() function is the simplest form of easing, providing a constant speed from start to finish. It’s often used when you want an animation to progress at a steady rate without any variations in speed.

Basics of the linear() Function

The linear() function is a timing function used in CSS animations to specify a constant rate of change. It’s part of the animation-timing-function and transition-timing-function properties.


animation-timing-function: linear();
transition-timing-function: linear();

When applied, it ensures that the animation progresses at a uniform pace throughout its duration. This can be useful for creating animations that need to appear continuous and steady, such as moving a slider or a bouncing ball.

Creating Custom Easing Effects

While linear() is great for basic animations, creating custom easing effects often involves using more complex timing functions. Custom easing functions are typically defined using cubic Bezier curves, which offer greater control over the acceleration and deceleration of animations.

Using Cubic Bezier Curves: Cubic Bezier curves allow you to create custom easing functions by defining four control points. The cubic-bezier() function in CSS provides a way to specify these points and create unique easing effects.


animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2);
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Here’s a breakdown of how to create custom easing effects using cubic Bezier curves:

1. Determine the Control Points
Control points define the shape of the easing curve. The coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) determine how the animation accelerates and decelerates. The values range from 0 to 1 and control the curve’s behavior.

2. Use a Bezier Curve Tool
Online Bezier curve editors can help visualize and adjust control points to achieve the desired effect. These tools provide real-time previews of the easing function and can generate the CSS code needed for implementation.

3. Apply the Custom Easing Function
Once you have the control points, apply them to your CSS animations using the cubic-bezier() function.

Example: Creating a Bounce Effect

@keyframes bounce {
0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% {
transform: translateY(0);
40% {
transform: translateY(-30px);
60% {
transform: translateY(-15px);

.bounce-animation {
animation: bounce 2s cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.27, 1.55) infinite;

In this example, the cubic-bezier() function is used to create a bounce effect. The Bezier curve values (0.68, -0.55, 0.27, 1.55) create a bouncy, elastic motion.

Advanced Techniques for Easing Effects

1. Combining Easing Functions
You can combine different easing functions to create complex animations. For example, use a linear function for a constant speed segment and a cubic Bezier curve for acceleration and deceleration.

Example: Combining Linear and Custom Easing

@keyframes complex-animation {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
50% {
transform: scale(1.5);
100% {
transform: scale(1);

.complex-animation {
animation: complex-animation 3s linear infinite, another-animation 3s cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1) infinite;

In this example, the animation combines a linear scaling effect with a custom cubic Bezier easing function.

2. Using Multiple Keyframes
Incorporate multiple keyframes to define more intricate easing patterns. By defining various keyframes and applying different easing functions, you can create nuanced and sophisticated animations.

Example: Multiple Keyframes

@keyframes multi-keyframe {
0% {
opacity: 0;
50% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;

.multi-keyframe-animation {
animation: multi-keyframe 4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1) infinite;

Best Practices for Easing Effects

1. Test Across Devices and Browsers
Ensure that your custom easing effects perform consistently across different devices and browsers. Variations in rendering engines can affect how animations are displayed.

2. Optimize Performance
Custom easing functions, especially complex ones, can impact performance. Optimize animations by reducing complexity and testing on lower-end devices.

3. Use Easing Wisely
While custom easing effects can enhance user experiences, overusing them can lead to distracting or jarring animations. Use easing functions thoughtfully to enhance the user experience without overwhelming the interface.

Creating custom easing effects in CSS animations using the linear() function and cubic Bezier curves provides designers with powerful tools to craft engaging and smooth animations. By understanding the basics of easing functions, experimenting with custom cubic Bezier curves, and applying best practices, you can create animations that enhance user interactions and improve overall web design.

Whether you’re aiming for a subtle transition or an elaborate effect, mastering custom easing allows for greater creativity and control in your animations. By following this guide, you can seamlessly integrate custom easing effects into your CSS animations and elevate the visual appeal of your web projects.


1. What is the linear() function in CSS animations?
The linear() function specifies a constant rate of change for an animation or transition, resulting in a uniform motion without acceleration or deceleration.

2. How do cubic Bezier curves work in CSS?
Cubic Bezier curves are defined by four control points, allowing you to create custom easing functions by adjusting these points to control acceleration and deceleration.

3. How can I create a bounce effect using CSS?
Use the cubic-bezier() function with specific control points to create a bounce effect. For example, values like (0.68, -0.55, 0.27, 1.55) produce an elastic, bouncing motion.

4. Can I combine different easing functions in a single animation?
Yes, you can combine different easing functions in a single animation by specifying multiple animation or transition properties with different timing functions.

5. How do I visualize and adjust cubic Bezier curves?
Use online Bezier curve editors or tools that provide visual feedback and allow you to adjust control points to achieve the desired easing effect.

6. What are the benefits of using custom easing functions?
Custom easing functions offer greater control over the animation's pace, allowing you to create unique and visually appealing transitions that enhance user experiences.

7. How do I ensure my animations perform well on all devices?
Test your animations across various devices and browsers to ensure consistent performance. Optimize complex animations to reduce potential performance issues.

8. What should I consider when using easing effects in web design?
Consider the context and purpose of the animation. Use easing effects to enhance usability and engagement without causing distractions or detracting from the user experience.

9. How can I optimize animations for better performance?
Reduce the complexity of easing functions, avoid excessive animation properties, and use hardware-accelerated CSS properties like transform and opacity for smoother animations.

10. Are there any limitations to using custom easing functions?
Custom easing functions can sometimes be less predictable and may require extensive testing to ensure they behave as intended across different environments.

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