Could you pass an open source vocabulary quiz?

3 years ago 305

As Linux marks 30 years of influencing developers, software engineers and the entire tech industry, now is a good time to speak the language.

Happy 30th birthday Linux! 

Linus Torvalds' invention has come a long way over the last 30 years from its humble beginnings as a hobby. The first Linux conference was held in 1995 at North Carolina State University and admission was $4. 

The penguin became the Linux logo the following year. Other milestones include the Red Hat Enterprise Linux launch in 2002, and Ubuntu 4.10 arriving two years later. These two releases opened up the OS for two huge user groups: Business professionals and average users.

SEE: 40+ open source and Linux terms you need to know (TechRepublic Premium)

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The next big milestone occurred in 2008 with the release of Android 1.0, which marked the arrival of Linux in the world of mobile. In 2013, Valve Corporation announced Steam, the Linux-based OS for video game consoles. In 2019, IBM acquired Red Hat for $34 billion.

As TechRepublic contributor Jack Wallen explained, Linux changed how enterprises operate in a fundamental way. "Because of Linux and open-source, companies can look to their developers to create very specific tools and systems to build delivery pipelines and workflows that not only make business possible but efficient and reliable," Wallen wrote.

SEE: 40+ open source and Linux terms you need to know (TechRepublic Premium)

Linux continues to influence the tech world and set new expectations for how software functions. In a recent survey, Gartner reportedthat 90% of organizations use open source software.  According to the survey, IT leaders select the open source route because the software is cheaper, more customizable and higher quality than commercial software. 

Linux shows no signs of slowing down.

Don't get left behind. It's important to understand terms associated with Linux. TechRepublic Premium is here to help. This glossary of open-source terms will teach you basic Linux and open source terms. 

The 40+ terms include definitions for block device, curses, inode, package manager,sudo and much more.  Check out this resource to make sure you know what you're talking about when Linux celebrates its next milestone birthday.

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